A Little Peek

What a treat to photograph the same family two years in a row!  So much fun to see how the girls have changed in the last year especially now that the littlest is walking!






Waiting for Inspiration

I really need to feel some inspiration.  This time of year I always get a bit burned out and depressed.  This is the time of year that a landscape designer (me) dreads.  It’s too hot to be outside and nobody is thinking about their landscaping unless they are calling to complain about everything dying.  I have no control over the weather people!  quit calling me!  please!

I usually rely on photography to fill my need for creativity and tide me over through these few months of insatiable heat.  But everything is brown and crunchy and it’s just plain depressing to look outside right now.  I’m seriously considering buying some turf paint so I can fake a green front lawn!  either that or artificial turf. And I’m being serious.
Anyway…so where was I?  oh yes, my depression.  I had to force myself into some creativity today.  The original photo was of a fading daisy.  I wanted to breathe some life into this photo so bring on photoshop!  The daisy is dying and going to seed, but the remaining petals are bright like a halo as it fades away into the ridiculously bright and colorful background.  I thought it was a proper sendoff for this daisy who through it’s growth process will self seed providing me with beautiful blooms again next year.  Since the color wasn’t there I created it.  And you know what?  it makes me happy.  It makes me smile.  It makes me feel good!

On Your Mark…Get Set…Go!

I can’t believe summer is almost over for us as my kids head back to school next week.  I really do like the continuous learning calendar because it gives us longer breaks throughout the year and a shorter summer break.  By the end of July my kids are ready to see their friends and be back in a routine and SO AM I!  What is it about summer that just drains my brain?  I’m totally unfocused and burned out.  And not to mention stuck in a photography rut.  I’m going to blame it on the heat.  At least I got to take some photos of this cute little one year old the other day!


As we gear up for meet the teacher day at school, visit me over at Focusing on Life today as I focus on one special teacher.  Maybe even leave me a comment?  please?  pretty please?  It would make me feel so loved 😉


Shine On

Hey there blog…long time no see!  I’m sorry…I’ve totally neglected you poor little thing.  You see, I was busy putting together a bright and shiny new website for you.  Blog, allow me to introduce you to brand spankin’ new website!  See there is a special spot just for you on the website.  I promise to be a better blogger now that the website is launched.  

And speaking of blogs….I’m up at Focusing on Life today.  I’m talking about finding inspiration in the most unlikely of places.  Please check it out and leave a comment letting me know what you think.

Until next time blog and blog buddies…I leave you with this.


Experience Photography

Today my friend Alison is guest posting with us at Focusing on Life.  You have to jump over there right now and read her post.  I am so inspired by her insight into making photography an event for everyone instead of just immersing yourself into the technicalities.  I tend to go off into my own little world of finding that perfect light, angle, exposure etc… that I forget to enjoy my surroundings with the rest of my friends and family.

The photo below is me off in my own little world.


This me totally engaged in my surroundings!  So much so that my camera got a little bit wet from the splash!


Who doesn’t like a good story? Join me at Focusing on Life today where I’m talking about those photos that immediately draw you in and make you wonder what is going on.

Sometimes it’s harder to create a storytelling photograph without people in it, but I like the challenge.  It makes me think when I’m composing the shot and deciding what to include and what not to include.


And hey!  we have a Flickr Pool for Focusing on Life so hop on over there and share your storytelling photos!

Thursday Reflections

Note to self: don’t start a blog without the intention of keeping up with it!

ok now that I’ve got that out of the way…..onto the photos.

This is a busy time of year for the kids.  It’s the end of the school year for my kids so that means lots of various school activities along with our normal after school commitments like t-ball, tae kwon do, gymnastics, ballets, etc… 

This is also a busy time of year for me.  Spring is my busy season with work and I’m trying to get all my jobs installed before the dog days of summer hit!  I’m in heaven this week with 70 degree temperatures!  I just wish it would last longer than a week!


A photo for funImageA photo for Tracey Clark’s “Picture Black and White” class.  Assignment was patterns.ImageA photo for work.  Trying to update my portfolio.Image

A photo for me.  Just a girl and her Capri-Sun.

Time is My Enemy

Join me today at Focusing on Life where I’m focusing on the here and now.  At least that’s what I’m trying to do.  Life just seems to be flying by these days and most days I feel like I’m lagging way behind.  What I wouldn’t give to be able to stop for a moment and just be.here.now and savor the day.



Just The Facts Ma’am

Sometimes I look at black and white photography as giving me the facts.  The color is no longer the main wow factor and instead I really start to examine the texture, the light, the composition.  Believe me, this Asparagus plant was glorious in all her green, but when stripped down to the basics of light and dark, ironically, she really came to life!  For a color-a-holic like myself….it really takes a lot for me to desaturate a photo. Usually after I make it monotone I still can’t decide if I like it or the color version better.  I always want to put the two side by side and post them both.  But when I saw the color fade away and the light exposing each feathery little detail in the photo I knew that I had made the right choice.
